Gobius geniporus

Author: Valenciennes, 1837

Gobius geniporus Valenciennes, 1837

Diagnosis: lateral line system with sub-orbital row d continuous and anterior transverse rows reaching border of orbit; row x1 ends anteriorly behind pore b; pore a behind eye on course of oculoscapular canal; body with additional short vertical rows of papillae above lateral midline; head canal pores large. Nape scaled, cheek naked. Anterior nostril with lappet or tentacle. Pectoral free rays moderately developed. Pelvic disc truncate, anterior membrane usually reduced or absent. Dl VI; D2 I + 12-14; A I + 11-12; P 17-19. Scales in lateral series 50-55. Colour: brownish, with large rectangular lateral midline blotches; breeding males dusky. Size: to 16 cm.

Habitat: inshore, on sand or mud near sea-grass. Food: no data. Reproduction: April - May (Taranto).

Distribution: Mediterranean.

Eggs, larvae and young stages. Padoa, 1953: 673.
Otoliths (sagitta). No data.

Note. Gobius arenae Bath seems to be based on small examples of G. geniporus.