Gobius fallax

Author: Sarato, 1889

Gobius fallax Sarato, 1889

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Gobius fallax Sarato, 1889 (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: lateral line system with sub-orbital row d in two parts, row x1 ending anteriorly behind pore b, and pore a behind eye on course of oculoscapular canal. Nape scaled, cheek naked. Anterior nostril with triangular flap. Pectoral free rays moderately developed. Pelvic disc about one-third to one-half emarginate, anterior membrane reduced. Dl VI, D2 I + 14-16, A I + 13-15; P 18. Scales in lateral series 39-48. Colour: pale yellowish to olive-green; lateral rows of small spots along head and body; 2 cheek and 3 geniohyoid spots; 3 pairs of small but dark abdominal spots. Size: to 9 cm.

Habitat: inshore, from less than 1 to 20 m on sand near rock crevices and weed-covered stones, and in grottoes. Behaviour: shy. Food: no data. Reproduction: no data.

Distribution: Mediterranean. Recently recorded from Atlantic (Canaries) by Dooley et al. (1985).

Eggs, larvae and young stage. No data.
Otoliths (sagitta). No data.

Note. Status with respect to G. auratus needs study.