Polymetme corythaeola

Author: (Alcock, 1 898)

Polymetme corythaeola (Alcock, 1 898)

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Polymetme corythaeola (Alcock, 1898) (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: body elongate; eye normal; mouth large; premaxillary teeth biserial; dentary teeth biserial anteriorly. Meristic data for eastern North Atlantic only: gillrakers on first arch 16 (17); branchiostegal rays 13, 4 on epihyal. Dorsal finrays 12-13 (14), followed by a short dorsal adipose fin situated over posterior half of anal fin; pectoral finrays 9-10; pelvic finrays 7, its base well in advance of dorsal fin origin; anal finrays 30-33 (34), its origin under end of dorsal fin base, its base more than twice dorsal fin base length; last dorsal and anal finrays split to base. Vertebrae 43-45. Photophores: SO l; ORB 1, antero-ventral to eye; BR 9 (10); OP 3; IV 21 (tenth elevated); VAV 8; AC 24-25 (17-18 over anal fin); OA 17. Colour: back dark, flanks silver; distinctive black pigmentation of outer caudal rays. Size: to 216 mm SL.

Habitat: benthopelagic off continental and island slopes and sea-mounts, juveniles and adults at 165-760 m, mainly 300-500 m; probably no diel vertical migrations. Food: no data. Reproduction: dioecious.

Distribution: in Clofnam area, along western North African and Portuguese coasts to Lisbon, as well as Grand Meteor and Josephine Banks; infrequently collected in Bay of Biscay, Porcupine Seabight area; northern record 51° 39.7' N, 14° 16.5' W; absent in Mediterranean.

Eggs, larvae and young stages. No data.
Otoliths (sagitta). No data.