Raja lintea

Author: Fries, 1839

Raja lintea Fries, 1839

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Dipturus linteus (Fries, 1838) (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: snout moderately long, its tip pointed and somewhat protruding. Upper surface predominantly smooth, more or less prickly only on head and on front margins; tail entirely spinulose. Up to 4 thorns in front of as well as behind eye, often fused as continuous row of up to 8 tubercles; a continuous median row of 42-51 thorns from nape to first dorsal fin; dorsal fins confluent; a row of strong curved thorns on each lower edge of tail; underside smooth. Colour: upper surface uniformly fawn grey; underside almost white, usually with a broad grey margin from wing tips to junction of pectorals with pelvic fins, the latter with posterior lobe also grey edged; tail with a broad median band of grey and a large blotch of same colour on either side of vent. Size: to about 110 cm TL.

Habitat: benthic in moderately deep water of about 150-650 m, but mainly around 250 m in boreal and partly arctic latitudes; not rare. Food: all kinds of bottom animals. Reproduction: oviparous; egg-cases about 100 by 70 mm (excluding horns).

Distribution: Iceland and along rise to Faroes, also Norwegian coasts to Skagerrak. Elsewhere, western Greenland.

Complementary iconography. Muus and Dahlström, 1965: 57.
Eggs, embryonic and young stages. Clark, 1930, in: Faune ichthyol. Atl. N., fiche 52 (fig. 2).