Centroscyllium fabricii

Author: (Reinhardt, 1825)

Centroscyllium fabricii (Reinhardt, 1825)

Status in World Register of Marine Species:
Accepted name: Centroscyllium fabricii (Reinhardt, 1825) (updated 2009-06-25)

Diagnosis: snout broadly ovate; anterior nasal flap well developed. Mouth arcuate; labial furrows extending forward quarter distance to symphysis. Teeth similar in both jaws, 3-5 cusps, medial cusp largest. Spiracle one-third as long as diameter of eye. Pectoral fins small, less than half head length; corners rounded; first dorsal fin smaller than second dorsal fin, first dorsal spine about one-third length of fin; second dorsal fin more pointed, its spine reaching approximately half the anterior margin of the fin, pelvic fins large, their origin ahead of second dorsal origin; caudal fin broad, with well-defined sub-terminal notch, lower lobe poorly differentiated. Colour: dark brown to black. Size: to 830 mm; females larger than males.

Habitat: deep-water species (to 1,300 m), benthic to pelagic, approaching shallower waters in Arctic. Food: cephalopods and crustaceans. Reproduction: ovoviviparous, otherwise little known.

Distribution: South and south-west of Iceland to the Faroes. Elsewhere, western Atlantic, from Georges Bank to Greenland.

Eggs, embryonic and young stages. Werner, 1904: 291 (embryo) | Collett, 1905: 25-28 (embryos).