Genus Cottunculus

Cottunculus Collett, 1875

Body relatively firm. Dorsal rim of orbit and entire inter-orbital area rigid; bony protuberances on top of head, those on preoperculum not elongated and sharp; teeth present on vomer (except in some small specimens); post-orbital bone l; cirri absent. Spiny and soft-rayed dorsal fins continuous, anterior portion usually enveloped in skin; dorsal finrays V-IX + 13-16, anal finrays 10-12. Prickles present (may be inconspicuous). Vertebrae usually 28 or 29.
Benthic at about 100-1,750 m, in Arctic and Atlantic.

Species about 4; in Clofnam area 3.

Recent revisions: Andriashev, 1954; Nelson, 1982. (The types of C. microps and C. sadko should be examined to determine if the names are being correctly used.)

Species of this genus in the program:
Cottunculus microps
Cottunculus sadko
Cottunculus thomsonii