Genus Ulcina

Ulcina Cramer, in Jordan and Evermann, 1896

Diagnosis: one dorsal fin. A sharp nasal spine directed posterodorsally; nasal bone never extending beyond upper lip, attached to each other at anterior end. A free nonspinous rostral plate. Mouth small, terminal. A barbel on maxillary end. Second dorsal fin with (5)6-7 soft finrays; pectoral fin large, with 13-15 finrays; anal fin short, with 5-6(7) finrays. 26-32 lateral line plates (Kanayama, 1991). Colour: upper parts brownish-gray, with a few dark spots or bands, lower parts light. Peritoneum pale with pigments. Size: to 86 mm TL, usually not more than 70 mm.

Habitat: benthic on sandy and muddy bottoms at 15-100 m, rarely to 200-300 m (Barents Sea) or even to 520 m (Kara Sea), at temperatures mostly below O °C, rarely to 2-3 °C or more (White Sea, western Greenland) and salinities of 33-35ä (but to 23-28ä in Siberian and White Seas). Food: small amphipods, ostracods, nemertine worms. Reproduction: eggs demersal (110-250 of about 1.7 mm).

Distribution: eastwards from White and Barents Seas; to Chukchi and northern Bering Seas, at Gudson Bay, near West Greenland at Davis Strait, Northward to Baffin Bay (71° 21' N) and southward to Newfoundland Banks (46° 50' N, 50° 12' W).

Species 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Ulcina olriki