Genus Synodus

Synodus Scopoli, 1777
(after Gronovius, 1763, suppressed by Opinion 89, ICZN)

Body slender, elongate, cylindrical, covered with deciduous cycloid scales. Head somewhat depressed, triangular, its dorsal surface strongly rugose. Snout pointed, length just equal to or less than eye diameter. Jaws very long. Upper jaw not upturned or notched at symphysis. Lower jaw often with a fleshy knob at its tip. Jaw teeth sharp, depressible. Palate with a single band of teeth (palatine) on each side; no vomerine tooth patch intervening between palatine bands. Pelvic fin with eight rays, the innermost much longer than the outermost. Pelvic inserted well in advance of dorsal fin origin; preceded by two or more short axillary scales. Pectoral fin short, not extending to level of dorsal insertion; preceded by a single rather short axillary scale. Anal fin base equal to or longer than dorsal fin base. Adipose fin present, but very small in some species. Caudal fin deeply forked, bearing modified elongate scales basally.
Demersal fishes of the continental shelf and littoral zone of tropical and temperate seas; Indo-West Pacific and Atlantic. Maximum depth to c. 200 m; predominantly on sand bottom. Solitary, lurking predators; rest on bottom with head elevated by prop-like pelvic fins. Blotchy dusky markings are effective camouflage on sandy substrate. Feeding on small fishes, epibenthic crustaceans. Larval and post-larval stages of some species have been described and illustrated (Anderson et al., 1966; Breder, 1944; Gibbs, 1959; Gopinath, 1946; Jones et al., 1978; Norman, 1935; Okiyama, 1973; Sanzo, 1915; Weber and De Beaufort, 1913). A key to western Atlantic post-larvae is given by Gibbs (1959). Eggs ornamented with hexagonal facets (Jones et al., 1978).

Species 24; in the Atlantic 5; in Clofnam area 2.

Species of this genus in the program:
Synodus saurus
Synodus synodus