Genus Bathysaurus

Bathysaurus Gunther, 1878

Head depressed, body elongate. Eyes large, directed dorso-laterally. Jaws elongate; premaxillae, palatines and dentaries armed with multiple series of long, sharp, depressible teeth, many of which protrude even when the mouth is closed; palatine bands continuous across a similarly toothed vomer. Gillrakers modified into clusters of short, sharp gill teeth. Dorsal fin long-based and high, inserted just behind insertion of pelvic fins. Pectoral fins with one or two specialized elongated rays. Caudal fin not noticeably forked. No axillary scales at the fin bases. Lateral line scales somewhat enlarged. Attains large size (to c. 85 cm).
Worldwide distribution (with the possible exception of the tropical eastern Pacific) on the lower continental slope, rise and the abyss between lat. 65° N and 45° S. Numerous captures in the north-western and north-eastern Atlantic, one capture in the Mediterranean. Depth range 1,000-4,800 m. Observed by submersible (Cohen and Pawson, 1977; Grassle et al., 1975; Sedberry and Musick, 1978; Sulak, 1977c). Rests on bottom with head slightly elevated by pelvic fins. Capable of rapid burst of swimming if disturbed. Elongated rays of pectoral fin may serve a sensory function. Consumes primarily bottom fishes and large epibenthic decapods (Marshall and Merrett, 1977; Sedberry and Musick, 1978). Synchronously hermaphroditic (Wenner, 1978). Larval stage is 'Macristium' (Ida and Tominaga, 1971; Johnson, 1974; Okiyama, 1970; Regan, 1911); lives pelagically; attains a rather large size (to 110 mm). No commercial importance.

Species 2; both in Clofnam area.

Recent revisions: Sulak (1977b), Wenner (1978).

Species of this genus in the program:
Bathysaurus ferox
Bathysaurus mollis