Genus Paralepis

Paralepis Cuvier, 1817

Body slender. Snout pointed, about half head length; jaws large, lower projecting; gillrakers needle-like on bony bases, but gillrakers as well as teeth sometimes (always?) lost in old fishes. Dorsal fin short, behind midpoint of body; adipose dorsal fin near tail; anal fin far back on body, with less than 26 finrays, without adipose fin in front. Anus at level of pelvic fin tips. Scales cycloid and very easily shed on head and body; lateral line ending near last anal finray.

See family for biology, etc.

Species 6; in Clofnam area 5.

Note: large adults may lack gillrakers and jaw teeth, therefore four of the five species appear twice in this key.

Species of this genus in the program:
Paralepis atlantica
Paralepis brevirostris
Paralepis coregonoides
Paralepis harryi
Paralepis speciosa