Genus Macroparalepis

Macroparalepis Ege, 1933

Body very elongate, its depth 10 to more than 16 times in its length. Snout pointed, about half head length; jaws large, with well-developed teeth; gillrakers with bony bases armed with teeth. Dorsal fin short, well behind midpoint of body, a small adipose dorsal fin far back near tail; pelvic fins slightly or well in front of dorsal fin origin; anal fin far back, without adipose fin in front. Anus behind tips of pelvic fins. Scales present only on lateral line. Adults of most species black, young light with dark dorsal band.

See family for biology, etc.

Species 7; in Clofnam area 3.

Recent revisions: Post (1973).

Species of this genus in the program:
Macroparalepis affinis
Macroparalepis brevis
Macroparalepis nigra