Genus Lobianchia

Lobianchia Gatti, 1903

Mouth large, jaws extending one or more times eye diameter behind posterior margin of orbit. Maxillae only slightly expanded posteriorly. Lateral line well developed. Dn small, Vn absent. PVO oblique, almost in line with PO1. Five PO, with P04 elevated. Five VO, with VO1-V03 progressively elevated to form an ascending oblique line. SAO on a straight or evenly curved line. AO series divided into AOa and AOp; AOa1 not elevated. One Pol, sometimes continuous with AOa. Four Prc. Supra-caudal (males) and infra-caudal (females) luminous glands present. Other luminous tissue on head and body absent.
High-oceanic, mesopelagic in warm and temperate waters of all three oceans and in Mediterranean.

Species 2; both in Clofnam area.

Recent revisions: Nafpaktitis (1968, 1978).

Species of this genus in the program:
Lobianchia dofleini
Lobianchia gemellarii