Genus Electrona

Electrona Goode and Bean, 1896

Mouth moderately large, extending to or slightly beyond posterior margin of orbit. Maxillae greatly expanded posteriorly. Lateral line well developed. Dn and Vn small. PLO below level of upper base of pectoral fin, forming a triangle with PVO1 and PV02. Five PO, level, or with PO5 raised above base of ventral fin. Four VO, level. Three SAO, weakly to strongly angulate. AO series continuous, sometimes with depressed photophores behind end of base of anal fin. Pol absent. Two Prc. Supracaudal (males) and infra-caudal (females) luminous glands present, or both sexes with supra- and infra-caudal glands.
High-oceanic, mesopelagic in cool waters of the southern hemisphere; one species (E. rissoi) only in warmer waters of all three oceans.

Species 5; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: McGinnis (1974); Hulley (1981).

Species of this genus in the program:
Electrona rissoi