Genus Coccorella

Coccorella Roule, 1929

Semi-tubular eye, directed slightly upward; horizontal eye diameter subequal to or only slightly greater than inter-orbital width; aperture in adipose eyelid only slightly exceeding lens diameter; a distinct elliptical lens pad present in all fully metamorphosed specimens less than about 70 mm SL, becoming indistinct in larger adults. Teeth in jaws and palatines unbarbed; front palatine tooth an enormous sabre-like fang, 7.1-10.0% SL; dentary teeth uniserial. No fossa centred on dentary symphysis. A single, narrow, elongate pyloric caecum extending into head, easily visible in floor of orobranchial cavity as a distinct, black-pigment-enclosed tubelike structure beneath basibranchial series. Luminous tissue present, associated with ventral wall of pyloric caecum and intestine. Larvae with three peritoneal pigment sections.

Species 2; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: Johnson (in press).

Species of this genus in the program:
Coccorella atlantica