Genus Pagellus

Pagellus Valenciennes, 1830

Body elongately ovate or fusiform, more or less compressed; scale cheeks and opercle; preopercle scaleless; mouth terminal; in both jaws, a band of conical and slender teeth in front and at least 2 row molars at back; the outer series of conical teeth little enlarged and inner (second) row of molars the largest.
Inshore waters above various bottoms; omnivorous, essentially carnivorous; hermaphroditic protogynous or protandrous; gregarious; marketed fresh or frozen and as fish-meal, flesh of good quality.

Species 5; in Clofnam area 4.

Species of this genus in the program:
Pagellus acarne
Pagellus bellottii
Pagellus bogaraveo
Pagellus erythrinus