Genus Anthias

Anthias Bloch, 1792

Rather small-sized fishes. Body rather deep. Eye large, opercle with 3 flat spines; preopercle finely serrate. A few canine teeth at front of both jaws and a distinctive pair of canines on sides of lower jaw. Dorsal fin single; pelvic fin elongate; caudal fin lunate. Scales large, mostly ctenoid. Lateral line running close to base of dorsal fin separated by 2-3 scale rows. Colour usually red, orange or yellow.
Benthic on the shelf or on the upper slope in tropical and subtropical seas, also on reefs. Adults in small groups, young in larger shoals. Most or all species are protogynous hermaphrodites.

Species about 10; in Clofnam area 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Anthias anthias