Familia Serranidae

(including Anthiidae of some recent authors)

by E. Tortonese

Opercle with 2 or 3 flat spines, the lowermost sometimes not visible externally. Preopercle edge usually serrated. Mouth large, horizontal or moderately oblique; premaxillae protractile; maxillae broad, their posterior end exposed when mouth is closed. Teeth conical or villiform, usually pluriseriate on jaws and vomer and palatines. Fins with strong spines; dorsal fin single with 7-12 spines; anal fin with 3 spines; ventral fin with 1 spine and 5 rays, pelvic axillary process not developed; caudal fin forked, lunate or rounded. Scales small to large, usually ctenoid. Lateral line present.
Fishes of littoral or sublittoral areas in all tropical and temperate seas; a few species in estuaries and in fresh water. Mostly benthic, exceptionally bathypelagic. Chiefly solitary, at least when adult. Carnivorous, predators on fishes and invertebrates. Most are hermaphroditic, synchronous or protogynous. Oviparous. Eggs pelagic. Many serranids in temperate waters are valued as game fishes and are commercially important.

Genera about 50; in Clofnam area 6.