Genus Umbrina

Umbrina Cuvier, 1816

Medium to large fishes; body moderately elongate and deep; ventral profile nearly straight; mouth small, horizontal; snout thick and protuberant, with 10 pores (5 upper, 5 marginal); chin with a short, rigid barbel, perforated by a pore at tip, and 2 pairs of lateral pores. Teeth small, villiform, set in bands on jaws, outer row teeth of upper jaw sometimes slightly enlarged. Second anal fin spine usually strong and thick; caudal fin truncate to slightly emarginate. Swimbladder simple, carrot-shaped, without appendages; otolith (sagitta) oval, thick and often granulated on its outer surface.

Species about 10; in Clofnam area 3.

Recent revisions: Dardignac (1961), Trewavas (1964), Palmer (1966).

Species of this genus in the program:
Umbrina canariensis
Umbrina cirrosa
Umbrina ronchus