Familia Ophidiidae

(including Brotulidae part., i.e. the oviparous genera)

by J. G. Nielsen

Body stubby to elongate, ranging in length from about 10 cm to more than 100 cm. Many species with a sharp spine near upper angle of operculum. Anterior nostril well above upper lip; gill openings wide; rarely less than 7 developed rakers on anterior gill arch. Fins lacking spines; a single long dorsal fin and a single somewhat shorter anal fin united with the caudal fin; pelvic fins with 0-2 rays in each, placed close to each other under gill opening or further anteriorly.
Most occur on or near the bottom, from shallow depths to more than 8,000 m; a few are bathypelagic. All larvae are pelagic. Marine fishes in temperate and tropical parts of all oceans. Oviparous.

Genera about 50; in Clofnam area 9.

Recent revision: Cohen and Nielsen (1978 at generic level).