Genus Symphodus

Symphodus 1810

Body oval, laterally flattened. Mouth rather small, more or less protrusible. 1 row of small canine-like teeth. Edge of preoperculum serrated. Head scaly, except inter-orbital surface and snout. Less than 40 scales along lateral line. More than 4 scales on inter-operculum. Rows of scales behind eye 1-2. Temporo-occipital surface with 2-5 scales. Dorsal and anal fin base scaleless. Number of cephalic pores very variable. Anal with 3 spines.
Shallow, temperate waters, near rocks or eel-grass beds. Often close to shore in summer (in tide pools), deeper in winter. Some in brackish water and lagoons. Generally nest-builders. Eggs stuck to algae. 'Sleeping' at night. Feed on small bottom-living invertebrates. Reproduces during spring and summer. Sex reversal observed in some species.

Species 10, all in Clofnam area.

Species of this genus in the program:
Symphodus bailloni
Symphodus cinereus
Symphodus doderleini
Symphodus mediterraneus
Symphodus melanocercus
Symphodus melops
Symphodus ocellatus
Symphodus roissali
Symphodus rostratus
Symphodus tinca