Genus Caspiosoma

Caspiosoma lljin, 1927

Sub-orbital papillae in 5 or 6 transverse rows, plus papilla behind eye near oculoscapular groove; 4 rows before and 1 or 2 lower parts below longitudinal row b. No row a. Median preorbital rows 4, inter-orbit with 2 pairs of large papillae and 2 short, rearward rows. No head canals. Head and body naked. Anterior nostril tubular, lacking process on rim. Pectoral fin uppermost rays within membrane. Pelvic disc complcte. First dorsal rays Vl.

Habitat: fresh and brackish waters, in lower reaches of rivers, deltas and estuaries; 1.7-8 m on muddy sand with shells. Food: no data.
Reproduction: eggs large, fecundity 20.

Distribution: rivers and estuaries of north-western Black Sea, Sea of 300 Azov and Caspian Sea.

Species: 1

Species of this genus in the program:
Caspiosoma caspium