Genus Buenia

Buenia lljin, 1930

Sub-orbital papillae with row a around lower edge of orbit; rows a and c, including cp without transverse proliferation; row b short, behind rear border of eye. Anterior and posterior oculoscapular, and pre-opercular head canals present, but not expanded and without numerous extra pores. Anterior oculoscapular canal extends onto snout. Predorsal area and head naked. Anterior nostril a short tube, lacking process from rim. Pectoral fin uppermost rays within membrane. Pelvic disc complete, anterior membrane without villi along rear edge. First dorsal rays Vl. Vertebrae 30. Scales ctenoid, 25-36 in lateral series.

Species 2, both in Clofnam area.

Species of this genus in the program:
Buenia affinis
Buenia jeffreysii