Genus Benthophiloides

Benthophiloides Benthophiloides Beling and lljin, 1927

Sub-orbital papillae in 6 transverse rows, 4 before and 2 lower parts below longitudinal row b. No row a. Median pre-orbital and interorbital areas with 7 transverse rows (po-s (median preorbital rows)). No head canals. Predorsal area and head naked. Anterior nostril tubular, to upper lip, lacking process on rim. Pectoral fin uppermost rays within membrane. Pelvic disc complete. First dorsal rays Vl. Vertebral mode 28. Scales small, non-imbricate, with long lateral ctenii; adults lack scales. One small Ponto-Caspian species, which may enter brackish waters of Black Sea.

Species 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Benthophiloides brauneri