Genus Hyperoglyphe

Hyperoglyphe Gunther, 1859

Medium- to large-sized fishes with a moderately deep body, somewhat thickened and with a broad caudal peduncle. Mouth large. Small conical teeth in a single series in the jaws; no teeth on the roof of the mouth, basibranchials or on tongue. A single dorsal fin with distinct spinous and rayed portions; about 8 short stout spines precede the 19-25 dorsal finrays, the longest of which is twice the length of the longest spine dorsal fin originating over pectoral fin base; anal fin originating a little behind midbody, with 3 spines and 15-20 rays; pectoral fins rounded in the young, pointed and relatively somewhat longer in the adult; pelvic fins originate under end of pectoral fin base; Caudal fin broad, only moderately forked if at all. Scales moderate in size, cycloid, somewhat adherent, and covering the bases of the dorsal and anal fins, Iateral line slightly arched anteriorly, straightening out over the middle of the anal fin and extending onto the caudal peduncle; top of broad head and snout naked. Skin somewhat thick, with prominent small pores. Colour mottled green to blackish.
Deep water at the edge of continental shelves in the western Atlantic, off South and West Africa, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and near certain oceanic islands.

See family for biology.

Species about 7; in Clofnam area 1 (sporadic stray).

Recent revision: Haedrich (1967).

Species of this genus in the program:
Hyperoglyphe perciformis