Genus Echiodon

Echiodon Thompson, 1937

Elongate, cylindrical body in adult; anus posterior to pectoral fin base; no median rocker bone; predorsal bone variously present or absent. One or two pairs of large fang-like teeth at symphysis of both jaws, separated from narrow bands of small teeth posteriorly by a diastema. First dorsal finray of vexillifer larva inserts immediately posterior to vexillum. Lateral processes of first and second vertebrae expanded and not fused. Precaudal vertebrae 5-9. Coloration probably translucent to brownish or reddish, without iridescent spots.
Adults free-living in deeper water than Carapus. Vexillifer larvae common to abundant in plankton. Food items probably similar to Carapus. Remainder of biology unknown.

Species 6; in Clofnam area 2.

Recent revisions: Arnold (1956), Williams and Shipp (1982 discussion and key to the species in the Clofnam area).

Species of this genus in the program:
Echiodon dentatus
Echiodon drummondi