Genus Alectis

Alectis Rafinesque, 1815

Body very compressed and deep. Pelvic fins relatively long, about equal to upper jaw length in adults, much longer in young; anterior soft rays of dorsal and anal fins filamentous in young. No enlarged scute-like scales in curved lateral line; scutes in straight lateral line relatively small; body superficially naked, scales small and difficult to see where present.

Habitat: adults solitary in coastal waters near bottom to at least 50 m and strong swimmers; young usually pelagic and drifting. Food: squid and other fishes. Reproduction: see family.

Distribution: southern parts of Mediterranean (Syria, Israel, Malta, southern Spain, Morocco) and eastern Atlantic off Morocco. Elsewhere, African coast southward to Angola.

Species 3; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revision: Smith-Vaniz and Berry (1981—on a regional basis only).

Species of this genus in the program:
Alectis alexandrinus