Genus Taractes

Taractes Lowe, 1843

Moderate-sized bramid fishes, dark-coloured except for a white crescentic area on caudal fin. Dorsal fin originating over pectoral fin base. Anal fin similar, originating just behind a vertical from end of dorsal lobe and with base about two-thirds the length of dorsal fin base. Dorsal profile of head between eyes flat or slightly concave. Head moderately compressed, lower edges of mandible usually not in contact. Scales with spines in young specimens only, except on caudal peduncle where crests on midlateral series of scales may fuse to form a smooth, hard keel. Lateral line either smoothly curved or dropping abruptly downward under anterior part of anal fin; may be obsolete in adults.
Cosmopolitan but nowhere abundant in tropical and temperate seas. Usually taken incidentally in the oceanic tuna long-line fishery.

Species 2 (at least), both in Clofnam area.

Recent revision: Mead (1972).

Species of this genus in the program:
Taractes asper
Taractes rubescens