Genus Trisopterus

Trisopterus Rafinesque, 1814

Upper jaw longer or shorter than lower one. Eye diameter longer than snout length. A barbel on chin about one-half or usually nearly equal to eye diameter. Coronal fossa on frontals closed in front of commissure between supra-orbital canals. Sensory canals with large pores on head. First anal fin long, its base more or a little shorter than preanal distance and its origin below first dorsal fin. Anal and usually dorsal fins in contact. Lateral line continuous over whole body. A dark spot at base of pectoral fin.
Offshore or oceanic mesopelagic fishes, the young living closer to the shore than the adults. Gregarious, often in large shoals. Feed on crustaceans and small fish.

Species 3, all in Clofnam area.

Species of this genus in the program:
Trisopterus esmarki
Trisopterus luscus
Trisopterus minutus