Genus Rhinonemus

Rhinonemus Gill,1864

Elongate gadoid fishes with 2 dorsal fins and 1 anal fin; first dorsal fin reduced to a single ray, followed by a row of fine short filamentous rays set in a shallow groove. First dorsal finray usually longer than half of head length. 4 barbels, 1 on chin, 1 on centre of upper lip and 2 on each of anterior nostrils.

Habitat: on bottom, to 550 m, rarely at 50 m, on soft mud or sand. Behaviour: Little known, local migrations inshore in autumn and offshore in spring. Food: crustaceans, polychaetes, molluscs. Reproduction: from January to October, usually from May to August.

Distribution: northern Atlantic from Bay of Biscay to Iceland and western Barents Sea, western Baltic, rarely to Gulf of Finland. Elsewhere, in western North Atlantic.


Species of this genus in the program:
Rhinonemus cimbrius