Genus Arctogadus

Arctogadus Drjagin, 1932

Jaws equal anteriorly or lower one projecting beyond upper one. Palatines with strong teeth. A barbel on chin present, obsolete or absent. Coronal fossa on frontals open in front of commissure between supraorbital canals. Sensory canals on head not visible, with very small pores. First anal fin short, its base less than one-half of preanal distance and its origin below the origin of second dorsal fin base. Caudal fin slightly emarginate. Lateral line not continuous over whole body, straight behind middle of second dorsal fin.

Habitat: salt water, pelagic, under drifting ice at a depth of 10-25 m in March. Behaviour: gregarious, in shoals; migrations are not known exactly. Food: fish, mostly Boreogadus saida, small amphipods inhabiting lower surface of drifting ice, rarely calanoids. Reproduction: no data.

Distribution: eastern coast of Greenland north of 70° N in the area and western part of North Polar Basin.

Species 2; in Clofnam area 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Arctogadus glacialis