Genus Argyripnus

Argyripnus Gilbert and Kramer, 1897

Body fusiform; mouth large, oblique; pseudobranch present; gillrakers well developed; branchiostegal rays 10, 3 on epihyal. Dorsal fin origin about or anterior to middle of body length; anal fin divided at rays (10) 11-15 by AC2 photophore group; anus about midway between pelvic and anal fin origins; dorsal adipose fin present. Swimbladder well developed, gas-filled, euphysoclistous. Scales present, deciduous.
Photophores: VAV and ACl photophore groups united by a common photogenic mass extending over first few anal rays; OP3 a double photophore; PV (10); OA 7; IP in a single group of 6 (rarely 7) photophores.
Benthopelagic, associated mostly with oceanic islands and seamounts, at 180-475 m; shallowest capture surface, deepest 873 m. Feeding on small crustaceans and fishes. Dioecious; post-larvae known of one species.

Species 4, perhaps 5; in Clofnam area 1. Recent revisions: Badcock and Merett (1972); Struhsaker (1973).

Species of this genus in the program:
Argyripnus atlanticus