Genus Stenodus

Stenodus Richardson, 1836

Mouth large, lower jaw projecting beyond tip of snout and reaching back beyond hind border of eye, upper jaw shorter, reaching to pupil only. Teeth barely apparent in jaws, minute on vomer, palatines and tongue. Scales moderate, 88-120 in lateral line. Vertebrae 59-68.

Habitat: coastal brackish waters near mouths of rivers, but usually in rivers or some land-locked lakes. Food: small fishes, usually small whitefishes; young feed on mysids, insects and fish fry. Reproduction: ascend rivers after break-up of ice, not in shoals; spawning usually in late September and October, in running water, mature at 9-15 years (depending on locality).

Distribution: rivers and coasts, and especially bays and river mouths around south-eastern Barents and White Seas. Elsewhere, rivers and coasts of Siberia to Alaska; nominate subspecies in Caspian Sea.

Species 1

Species of this genus in the program:
Stenodus leucichthys