Genus Flagellostomias

Flagellostomias Parr, 1927

Diagnosis: body long, slender, its depth more than 10 times in SL. Head with short, blunt snout; lower jaw not longer than upper jaw, not curved strongly upward; barbel 1/2-3/4 of SL, its terminal end with a bulb and variable numbers of filaments. Pectoral fin with I long free finray and 8-11 shorter rays, the long ray with a bulb and filament at its tip; pelvic fins low on body, their insertions close together near mid-ventral line; base of anal fin almost twice as long as that of dorsal, its origin well in advance of dorsal fin origin; no dorsal adipose fin. Photophores in ventral row between pectoral and pelvic fin insertions (PV) 31-34; no pale loop or line on flanks; post-orbital luminous organ small, roundish, about 1/4 eye diameter or less; no pre-orbital or sub-orbital organ; no large patches of luminous material on head behind eye. Colour: head and body black. Size: to more than 32 cm.

Habitat, etc.: see family.

Distribution: northward to 58° N, but not known in the Norwegian Sea or the North Sea. Elsewhere, eastern Atlantic to 40° S; western Atlantic north of 15° N and south of 28° S; also, Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Species 1.

Recent revisions: Regan and Trewavas (1930), Morrow and Gibbs (1964).

Species of this genus in the program:
Flagellostomias boureei