Familia Leptochilichthyidae

(included in Alepocephalidae in Clofnam)

by D. F. Markle and J.-C. Quero

Medium-sized deepwater fishes, the body moderately elongate but compressed, the head large, gill covers expansive. Mouth terminal, large, with a conspicuous notch at symphysis of upper jaw, the latter deep, toothless and reaching back well beyond eye; no tusks on premaxillae. No tongue. Dorsal and anal fins about equal, anal fin even further back on body; no adipose fin. Scales cycloid, absent on head.
Deepwater pelagic, below 2,000 m; very rare and poorly known. Eggs large.

Genus 1.

Recent revisions: Markle (unpublished).

[Clofnam 30b]