Genus Bathytroctes

Bathytroctes Gunther, 1878
(including Grimatroctes of Clofnam)

Body moderately elongate. Head profile arched over eyes, which are large. Pyloric caeca 7-15. Dorsal fin moderately far back, but its origin well in advance of anal fin origin, dorsal finrays 13-17, pectoral finrays 10-14, pelvic finrays 6-9 (plus a splint bone), anal finrays 12-17. Vertebrae 44-48 (of which 22-26 caudal).

Engybenthic to bathypelagic.

Species at least 4; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: Parr (1952—as Grimatroctes).

Species of this genus in the program:
Bathytroctes microlepis