Genus Cetomimus

Cetomimus Goode and Bean, 1895

Small fishes rarely attaining 200 mm SL. Jaw teeth villiform, in indistinct diagonal rows. Vomerine tooth plate usually domed. Free gill arches 3; tooth plates instead of gillrakers; copular tooth plate 1. Dorsal and anal finrays 15-20. No lappets over anal base. Lateral line pores 11-29, with or without flaps; lateral line scales curved with dorsal and ventral points. Cavernous tissue always at anus, often at dorsal origin, sometimes elsewhere (caudal peduncle, isthmus, posterior maxillary). Vertebrae 44-55.
See family for biology, etc.

Species 7 described plus at least 5 undescribed; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revision: Maul (1969--generic synopsis).

Species of this genus in the program:
Cetomimus hempeli