Genus Scopeloberyx

Scopeloberyx Zugmayer, 1911

Oral teeth in bands or uniserial. A well-developed supra-maxillary bone present. No conspicuous inter-narial spine. Ridges on head not serrate. Pores on head usually single, moderate to large in size. Dorsal fin with 9-12 soft rays and II-III spines. 30-48 rows of scales from nape to caudal base; 3-4 scales on cheek, the anterior one not modified.
Bathypelagic fishes of no commercial value.

Species 5 (one of which from the Indo-Pacific as yet undescribed); in Clofnam area 3.

Recent revisions: see family. The present genus is not yet completely revised and the above diagnosis, therefore, is tentative.

Species of this genus in the program:
Scopeloberyx opisthopterus
Scopeloberyx robustus
Scopeloberyx rubrivenster