Genus Diretmus

Diretmus Johnson, 1863

Diagnosis: metamorphosis from juvenile to adult stages. Juveniles: cephalic and preopercular spines, both directed caudally. Adults: no spines on head; body, without caudal peduncle, about as long as high. D 25-29; A (18) 19-24; P (16) 17-20. Vertebrae 27-29. Colour: silvery. Size: to 12.5 cm SL.

Habitat: mesopelagic; juveniles from near surface to about 250 m depth; adults mainly in a depth range from 500 to 700 m. Behaviour: see family. Food: see family. Reproduction: in subtropical and tropical waters all the year round.

Distribution: known from all oceans from temperate to tropical waters; not recorded from the Mediterranean.

Species 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Diretmus argenteus