Genus Platybelone

Platybelone Fowler, 1919

Diagnosis: body pentagonal in cross-section; caudal peduncle greatly depressed. Lower jaw obviously longer than upper. Vomerine teeth absent. Jaw teeth small. Anterior lobes of dorsal and anal fins moderate; caudal fin strongly forked. Dorsal finrays 11-16; anal finrays 14-20; pectoral finrays 10-13. Gillrakers 10-12. Vertebrae 62-76. Scales comparatively large. Predorsal scales 101-137. Juveniles with greatly elongated lower jaw, without black posterior dorsal fin lobe. Size: to 32 cm BL, which equals about 50 cm SL.

Habitat: epipelagic, neritic. Food: no data. Reproduction: no data.

Distribution: occurs near the Azores. Elsewhere, worldwide in tropical and subtropical seas.

Also see family.

Species 1, which is divisible into 7-8 subspecies.

Recent revisions: Parin (1967), Collette and Parin (1970).

Species of this genus in the program:
Platybelone argalus