Familia Batrachoididae


by C. Roux

Body robust, somewhat depressed anteriorly, tapering and a little compressed posteriorly. Eyes nearer to top of head than to sides; mouth large; gill openings restricted to sides, the membranes broadly joined to isthmus; a prominent opercular spine (hollow and capable of injecting poison in Thalassophryninae), with another below it in some. Two dorsal fins, the first with 2-3 short spines (hollow and venomous in Thalassophryninae), the second long and reaching almost to caudal fin base; pelvic fins jugular (well in front of pectoral fin base); anal fin long; caudal fin rounded. Scales present in some; lateral line(s) present or absent; photophores present in some (Porichthyinae). Mostly drab colours. Bottom dwellers, carnivorous, mostly in warm sea.

Genera 19; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: world revision badly needed.