Genus Dalophis

Dalophis Rafinesque, 1810

Body very elongate, cylindrical, slightly compressed posteriorly; anus in antenor half of body. Eye small, snout subconical. Anterior nostrils tubular, very near to tip of snout; posterior nostrils opening on inner surface of upper lip, well behind level of first maxillary teeth. Lower jaw symphysis nearer to tip of snout than to anterior edge of eye. Teeth conical, uniserial on jaws. Dorsal and anal fins low, in a groove; pectoral fins absent or reduced to a minute filament; caudal fin absent, caudal extremity blunt and hardened.

See family for biology, etc.

Species 5; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: Blache and Bauchot (1972—on a regional basis only), McCosker (1977).

Species of this genus in the program:
Dalophis imberbis