Genus Mustelus

Mustelus Linck, 1790

Small slender sharks (less than 150 cm TL). Snout rounded to acute. Mouth triangular in shape, teeth alike in both jaws, low, rounded, arranged in a mosaic or pavement, small cusps present in certain species. Eyes horizontally oval. Spiracles present. Midpoint of first dorsal fin either equidistant between bases of pectorals and pelvics, or slightly closer to pectorals; second dorsal fin similar to first, somewhat smaller; inter-dorsal ridge present; anal fin smaller than second dorsal fin; no pre-caudal pits; lower caudal lobe poorly to moderately developed; subterminal notch on upper lobe well developed.

Species 25, in Clofnam area 3.

Recent revisions: Heemstra (1969, 1973).

Species of this genus in the program:
Mustelus asterias
Mustelus mustelus
Mustelus punctulatus