Genus Centroscymnus

Centroscymnus Bocage and Capello, 1864

Snout in front of mouth no longer than distance from mouth to level of pectoral fin origin. Pre-oral clefts short and greatly expanded inwardly or very long and little expanded inwardly. Teeth in both jaws with a single cusp, those of lower jaw wider than those of upper jaw; length of upper teeth near symphysis equal in length to those midway along jaws, bases not overlapping; lower teeth all oblique, without a symmetrical tooth at symphysis, forming a nearly continuous cutting edge. Pectoral fins with broadly rounded inner corner; dorsal fin spines scarcely projecting beyond skin, with lateral grooves; caudal peduncle without pre-caudal pits or lateral ridges; caudal fin with sub-terminal notch in adult specimens. Dermal denticles subcircular in outline, with a large circular concavity on outer surface near anterior end; if median ridge present, restricted to posterior half to two-thirds behind concavity.

Species about 5 to 7; in Clofnam area 3 (a revision of this genus is needed).

Recent revisions: Garrick (1955, 1959), Bigelow and Schroeder (1957).

Species of this genus in the program:
Centroscymnus coelolepis
Centroscymnus crepidater
Centroscymnus cryptacanthus