Genus Paragaleus

Paragaleus Budker, 1935

Small- to medium-sized sharks (less than 150 cm TL). Snout rounded, its length greater than mouth breadth; nasal flaps moderately long. Teeth smooth-edged, upper anteriors erect with basal cusplets on either side of primary cusp, upper laterals with strong oblique cusps and with cusplets on outer edge, lower anteriors spike-like, developing cusplets on the outer edge as rows progress posteriorly, becoming similar to upper laterals. Labial furrows well developed. Spiracle present, but small. Eyes oval, wider than high. Gill openings short. Origin of first dorsal fin above free tip of pectoral fin, its base slightly greater than its height; inter-dorsal ridge present; second dorsal fin similar, but half size of first, its origin anterior to anal fin; pectoral fins falcate; anal fin similar to second dorsal fin, but smaller; pre-caudal pits present above and below; upper caudal lobe with large well-marked sub-terminal notch.

Species of this genus in the program:
Paragaleus pectoralis