Genus Rhinobatos

Rhinobatos Linck, 1790

Snout variable, moderately acute and produced to greatly produced and acute. Nostrils more or less oblique, separated from mouth; lobe-like expansions of anterior margin separate, not meeting in the midline, far from upper lip. Spiracle with 1-2 distinct folds or ridges on posterior margin.

Species about 31; in Clofnam area 2 or 3. A much-needed revision may reduce the number of species. Ben-Tuvia (1966: 269) noted that no specimens of R. halavi from the Egyptian part of the Mediterranean were available for study and its presence in the Mediterranean (Clofnam No. 19.1.3) is therefore questionable.

Recent revisions: Norman (1926), Bigelow and Schroeder (1953).

Species of this genus in the program:
Rhinobatos rhinobatos