Genus Rhinochimaera

Rhinochimaera Garman, 1901

Body heavy, but elongated, tapering in lower profile to a short caudal filament, while the entire upper profile forms an almost straight line; snout very long through a massive, depressed, broadly pointed rostrum; eyes relatively small, distinctly behind level of mouth; tooth-plates with smooth surfaces, without ridges or knobs; first dorsal fin a short, high triangle with a strong spine in front, smooth-edged in large specimens, as high as the fin and almost completely attached to its front margin; second dorsal fin much lower and longer, separated from the first and from caudal fin by a distinct gap, its upper margin convex; pectoral fins moderately large and slender, their tips falling distinctly short of pelvic fin origin; no anal fin; upper part of caudal fin reduced to a low ridge with a crest of knob-like or sharply pointed denticles; lower part of fin as high as second dorsal fin, originating in front of upper part.

See family for biology, etc.

Species 2; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: Bigelow and Schroeder (1950, 1954), Inada and Garrick (1979).

Species of this genus in the program:
Rhinochimaera atlantica