Artediellus scaber

Artediellus scaber Knipowitsch, 1907


Artediellus scaber Knipowitch, 1907, Mém. Ac. Sci. St.-Pétersb., (8)13 (5): 17-29 fig. 7-12 (Kotelniy Isl. in Laptev Sea (Newsiberian Islands), Kara Sea and the Southeastern parts of Barents Sea). Lectotype: ZIN male no. 14206, fig. 7-8 in loc. cit. paralectotypes: ZIN male and female no. 14206,14205.
Artediellus uncinatus (nec Reinhardt): Lütken, 1887: 124-125 | Smitt, 1893: 163-164 (part.: coasts of Siberia).
Artediellus uncinatus scaber: Hofsten, 1919, 54 (l0): 17.
Artediellus scaber: Soldatov, 1923: 26 | Rendahl, 1931: 19 | Essipov, 1933: 172 | Andriashev, 1954: 409-410, fig. 229-230; 1961: 240-241 | McAllister, 1963b: 50-53, fig. 1.

Common names:

hamecon [UK and USA]
hameçon [France and Belgium]
sherochovatiy krjuchkorog [Russia]