Scopelosaurus lepidus

Scopelosaurus lepidus (Krefft and Maul, 1955)


Notosudis lepida Krefft and Maul, 1955 , Arch. Fisch. Wiss. , 6 (5/6): 305-3 16, partim (holotype only), fig. 1-2) (Denmark Strait). Holotype: ISH 12/55.
Notosudis lepida: Kotthaus and Krefft, l9S7: 173 | Krefft, 1964: 79 | Postolakii, 196S: 622-624, fig. 1-2.
Scopelosaurus lepidus: Marshall, 1966: 202-203, fig. 54 | Krefft, 1966: 177; 1967: 185 | Bertelsen, Krefft and Marshall, 1976: 72-80, pl. 1, fig. 7, text-fig. 50, 64.

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