Scopelosaurus argenteus

Scopelosaurus argenteus (Maul, 1954)


Notosudis argenteus Maul, l954, Bol. Mus. munic. Funchal, 7 (18): 47-54 (holotype only), fig. 17 (top), 18 (Madeira). Holotype: MMF 3998.
Notosudis argentea Krefft and Maul, l955: 310-313, partim.
Scopelosaurus smithii: Marshall, 1966: 201-202, partim | Krefft, 1968, fig. 1 (bottom).
Scopelosaurus argenteus Bertelsen, Kreft and Marshall, 1976: 49-54, pl. 1, fig. 5, text-fig. 31

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