Symbolophorus veranyi

Symbolophorus veranyi (Moreau, 1888)


Scopelus veranyi Moreau, 1888, Bull. Soc. philomath. Paris, (7)12: 108-111 (off Nice). No type material.
Scopelus humboldti (non Risso): Günther, 1864: 407 | Canestrini, 1872: 124 | Holt and: Byrne, 1911: 21, part., fig. 5 | Soljan, 1948: 198, fig.
Scopelus veranyi: Moreau, 1891: 92-96.
Scopelus humboldtii (non Risso): Lütken, 1892: 254, part., fig. 12.
Myctophum humboldtii (non Risso): Goode and Bean, 1896: 73, part.
Myctophum humboldti (non Risso): Goode and Bean, 1896, pl. 22 (fig. 82) | Gilbert, 1906: 260-262 | Tåning, 1918: 63-67, fig. 21-22;1928: 54 | Parr, 1928: 64, part. | Tåning, 1932: pl. 112 (fig. 1) | Fowler, 1936: 373, part., fig. 179 | Belloc, 1938: 293, part., fig. 12 | Maul, 1946: 22, fig. 7 | Estève, 1947: 67, part. | Lozano Rey, 1947: 426, 443-446, part., fig. 138 | Maul in Noronha and Sarmento, 1948: 143 | Albuquerque, 1954-1956: 341-342 | Dieuzeide et al., 1954: 69-70, fig.
Myctophum (Myctophum) humboldti (non Risso): Brauer, 1906: 192-194, part., fig. 108 | Nobre, 1935: 527.
Stylophthalmus mediterraneus Mazzarelli, 1909, Riv. mens. Pesca, 4: 187 (Messina). No type material.
Myctophum (Scopelus) humboldti (non Risso): Fraser-Brunner, 1949: 1055, part., fig.
Myctophum humboldti humboldti (non Risso): Tortonese, 1958: 318 | Torchio, 1958: 4.
Symbolophorus veranyi: Bolin, 1959: 12-13 | Leim and Scott, 1966: 146 | Bekker, 1967a: 96 | Tortonese, 1970: 217-218, fig. 85B | Bini, 1971:197-198, 2 fig. (one in colour).

Common names:
